252-446-8800rmtchiro@live.com2747 Sunset Ave. Suite 107, Rocky Mount, NC 27804

Wrist & Elbow Posture

Elbow Position Your elbows belong at your sides, not stretched out to reach a keyboard or a mouse. There are several things you can do to make this position possible: • Adjust your furniture to correct the heights (either raise the chair or lower the desk)• Rearrange your desktop layout to make things closer• Use a keyboard holder, one with space for your…

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Neck Posture

Too much bending or twisting of the bones of the neck can cause damage to your spine. It is important to be aware of how your neck is positioned. Try to avoid prolonged twisting and bending. In computerized offices, the prime cause of a twisted neck is placement of the computer monitor. If the monitor is not directly in front…

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Proper Posture is extremely important to your health. There are many misconceptions about what the right posture is. Most of the information here is for a typical computerized office.

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